[KS] Korean typewriters

Stefan Ewing sa_ewing at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 19 16:46:01 EDT 2006

Dear KS list members:

Not to detract from the seriousness of Bell's Palsy or the other weighty 
matters of late, but I have an off-topic question--one that has long stumped 
me and that I have not been able to answer.  I suspect some of you may be 
able to help out.

How did Korean (or more precisely, Hangeul/Han'gu^l) typewriters work?

How did a typist move from one syllable to the next--by tapping the space 
bar?  (More than once to move to the next word?)  And how did he or she 
place a consonant within a syllable (up or down)--by simply adjusting the 
carriage up or down, or was there a more automated way to do this (perhaps 
with the shift key)?  Did different typewriters or different keyboard 
arrangements carry out these tasks in different manners?

Having just seen a picture of an old manual Korean typewriter and being 
reminded of this vexing issue, I must throw this question out so I won't lie 
awake at night trying to figure it out!

Yours sincerely (sincerely!),
Stefan Ewing

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