[KS] Korean typewriters

Frank Hoffmann frank at koreaweb.ws
Tue Sep 19 22:25:00 EDT 2006

>>  How did Korean (or more precisely, Hangeul/Han'gu^l) typewriters work?
>>  Having just seen a picture of an old manual Korean typewriter ...

Big smile ::)
How old are you, Stefan? I am sure you can still 
buy Korean typewriters today as well -- still 
useful for filling in forms, for example.
The input method is exactly the same as you have 
it now on your computer keyboard. There were (and 
still are) two methods: 2-bôlsik and 3-bôlsik. 
The first one is far more popular.
--> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout#Hangul_.28for_Korean.29
I think if you look at the keyboard images on 
above website all is pretty self-explanatory ... 
all basically the same as with a standard Latin 
character typewriter -- the Han'gûl characters in 
the lower position take the position of small 
characters (on Latin character typewriter). Of 
course, a type-written text did not look as 
elegant as it looks today with a computer. When 
you hit an initial vocal the carriage would not 
move, same as if e.g. adding a French accent on a 
non-French typewriter.


Frank Hoffmann

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