[KS] FW: Scholars working on lesbian, gay issues in Korea

Buswell, Robert buswell at humnet.ucla.edu
Mon Feb 12 23:49:22 EST 2007

Korean Studies colleagues: I forward this request from Jan Bardsley at
the University of North Carolina, looking for scholars working on issues
facing lesbian, gay, transsexual communities in Korea.  Please contact
her directly if you, or anyone you know, is interested in participating
in this AAS panel:

bardsley at email.unc.edu; bardsley at unc.edu

Robert Buswell
-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Bardsley [mailto:bardsley at email.unc.edu] 
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 1:01 PM
To: Buswell, Robert; Jan Bardsley
Subject: Question from Jan Bardsley

Dear Robert,

Hi!  Could I ask your help in 
finding some leads to scholars on Korea that work on topics related to 
sexuality?  The Northeast Asia Council of AAS has plans to sponsor a 
panel on current issues facing lesbian, gay, transexual communities in 
Korea and Japan today. I know lots of scholars working on these and 
related topics in Japanese Studies but none in Korean Studies. 

Thanks for your help!


Jan Bardsley
Asian Studies
UNC Chapel Hill

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