[KS] Summer Workshop - Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies

Kyujanggak - IKS snu.kyujanggak at gmail.com
Tue Feb 13 00:25:40 EST 2007

Please distribute this to all parties who may be interested:

The Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies would like to announce the first
annual Kyujanggak Korean Studies Summer Workshop taking place from Jun. 25
until Jul. 8, 2007, at Seoul National University. Combining lectures,
seminars, hand-on research workshops, cultural performances and field trips,
this workshop will serve to teach graduate students and junior scholars in
Korean Studies both about current research in the field and also about the
wealth of primary source materials related to Korean Studies that are
available at Seoul National University and throughout Korea.

Workshop participants will be assisted by workshop staff in securing room
and board and all other workshop materials will be provided for. For more
detailed information about the workshop and to download an application form,
please go to the Workshop website at:
http://e-kyujanggak.snu.ac.kr/edu/edu01_4.jsp .  All other inquiries can be
directed as follows:

Email contact:
Ms. Kim Okhyun - kiks at snu.ac.kr

Mailing Address:
Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies
Seoul National University
San 56-1, Sillim-dong, Gwanak-gu
Seoul 151-742, Korea

Telephone:             +82-2-880-9378

Fax:                       +82-2-883-3305
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