[KS] New Book Announcement: Unification Research and Strategy in Korea and Germany

Bernhard Seliger bjseliger at yahoo.de
Mon Jan 29 03:29:06 EST 2007

New Book Announcement
  Dear colleagues, 
  the following new book might be interesting for you. 
  The Unification Research and Strategy in Korea and Germany: Affinity and Specificity
  Editors: Prof. Yean-Cheon Oh, Seoul National University, Prof. Dalgon Lee, Seoul National University, Dr. Bernhard Seliger, Hanns Seidel Foundation Seoul, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Sung-Jo Park, Free University Berlin
  Seoul: Hakrimsa, ISBN 89-89793-37-8.    
  About this book  
  In recent years, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) has moved in two seemingly contradictory directions. By admittance of a nuclear weapons programme, its withdrawal from the non-proliferation treaty and finally the twin missile and nuclear tests of 2006 it has become more and more isolated – even alienating its last ally, China, to a great extent. At the same time, North Korea attempted to catch up with the economic reality by legalizing certain market activities and thereby acknowledging the collapse of the centrally-planned economy. In this changing environment, a comparative look at unification issues is most helpful. This book, a joint effort of the Graduate School of Public Administration of Seoul National University and Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea Office in Seoul, hopefully contributes to the discussion of unification issues and, ultimately, to a peaceful process for overcoming division on the Korean Peninsula. The book has been printed with
 financial support from Hanns Seidel Foundation. 
  From the Content
  Manfred Wilke, Free University Berlin: The Second Germany: Changes in Interpretation of the German Democratic Republic between 1945 and Today
  Tae Gyun Park, Seoul National University, What is “German Experience” for Koreans? Research on Unification in South Korea
  Byong Seob Kim, Seoul National University, Benjamin Lunau, Free University Berlin, SNU-FUB Reunification Database: SNU-FUB Cooperation Project
  Yean-Cheon Oh, Seoul National University, Irwin Collier, Free University Berlin, Economic, Cultural and Scientific Cooperation between Divided Nations
  Michael Schloms, Social Science Centre Berlin, Lessons to Learn from International Aid Operation in North Korea
  Bernhard Seliger, Hanns Seidel Foundation Seoul, Towards a North Korea Boom? Special Economic Zones in North Korea and their Effects on the North and South Korean Economies
  Yean-Cheon Oh, Seoul National University, A Study on the Privatization of North Korean Public Enterprises in the course of Korean Renunification
  Tobin Im, Seoul National University, The Reorganization of Government Structures to facilitate the Process of Reunification
  Joon-Hyung Hong, Seoul National University, Building Local Autonomy after Unification in Korea
  In-Young Chun, Seoul National University, South Korea’s Unification Policy toward North Korea
  Shin-Bok Kim, Seoul National University, Reunification and Integration of Vocational Education Systems: German Implications and Korean Strategy
  Sung-Jo Park, Free University Berlin, Renovation of Humanitarianism or Global Capitalism? Technology/ Science Transfer from Germany to North Korea
  Hartmut Koschyk, Member of the German Federal Parliament, Policy of Détente in Divided Countries – A Comparison of Germany and Korea
  Dalgon Lee, Seoul National University, A Shift of the Korean Unification Policy Perspective
  Yours sincerely, 
  Bernhard Seliger

Dr. Bernhard Seliger

Hanns Seidel Stiftung - Seoul Office

Room 501, Soo Young Bldg., 64-1, Hannam 1 Dong, Yongsan-gu

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Tel.+ 82 2 790 5344

Fax. + 82 2 790 5346
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