[KS] The Dragon Option downloadable PDF file online

Robert Mitchell robert at thedragonoption.com
Sun Jul 8 17:16:50 EDT 2007

Dear Niels,
  As per your request (below)I have just placed a downloadable PDF file version of the book The Dragon Option on the website at:
  It is about 1.3 MB in size and 155 pages long.  It has an index and includes all of the maps and diagrams from the website.
  If anyone has trouble downlaoding this, please email me and I will email you back a copy of the PDF file (please put "Dragon Option PDF file" in subject of your email).
  Also, I would appreciate your feedback about the book.
  Robert Ben Mitchell
  robert at TheDragonOption.com

koreanstudies-request at koreaweb.ws wrote:  
Would it be possible to get a one-file download or even a pdf (the
latter one woule be far better, especially if it would have


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