[KS] news re: the korean program at uc berkeley

Theodore Hughes th2150 at columbia.edu
Tue May 13 07:53:09 EDT 2008

As Ross pointed out earlier, the language programs are key to Korean  
studies. I don't know of a successful Korean studies program in the  
U.S. that does not have an extraordinarily dedicated group of  
lecturers. They don't get the credit they deserve. There is a synergy  
between the language program and other Korean studies offerings in all  
of the departments--enrollments in one play a large part in  
enrollments in the other. The proposed 66% cut at Berkeley is  
egregious. As Christine has indicated, the need, demand and potential  
for Korean language programs in the UC system is so obvious it doesn't  
need to be stated. And yet she and her group find themselves in the  
position of having to make a case for the survival of the program. To  
cite another, sometimes overlooked, example in the UC system: At UC  
San Diego, the arrival of a dynamic Korean language program director  
eight years ago has resulted in the creation of one of the most  
vibrant, highly enrolled language programs on the entire campus and  
has helped set the stage for growth in Korean studies positions and  
enrollments in different departments across the university.


Ted Hughes

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