[KS] Acta Koreana Vol. 13, No. 2 Publication Announcement

Michael Finch mcefinch at gmail.com
Wed Dec 15 02:40:32 EST 2010

Dear KS List members,

Academia Koreana, the Korean studies research institute of Keimyung
University, is pleased to announce the publication of *Acta Koreana* Vol.
13, No. 2, a theme issue on Korean Neo-Confucianism, guest-edited and
introduced by Prof. Ro Young-chan. This issue also contains translations of
prose and poems by Yi Sang in commemoration of the 100th year of his birth
and an interview with Professor Gari K. Ledyard. The complete table of
contents may be found at the foot of this e-mail.

*Acta Koreana* is an English language, refereed journal that is published
bi-annually on 15 June and 15 December. Submissions of academic articles,
and interviews in the field of Korean studies and translations of Korean
literature are accepted throughout the year, but articles intended for the
next issue Vol. 14, No. 1, which will be a theme issue on Korean
cinema, should be submitted no later than 1 March, 2011.

For more information about *Acta Koreana*'s aims, editorial board,
submission guidelines, subscriptions and so on, please visit our website at

Best regards,

Michael Finch




Korean Confucianism Theme Issue: Guest Editor’s Introduction

By Young-chan Ro

Korean Confucianism from a Sinic Perspective

By Tu Weiming

The Original Nature of Contemporary Society:

Three Diagrams on Social Transformation to Sustainability

By Michael C. Kalton                                                    9–29

Yi T’oegye on Self-transcendence:

A Neo-Confucian and Interreligious Dialogue

By Edward Y. J. Chung                                                31–46

Practical Ethics and Practical Learning:

Tasan’s Approach to Moral Cultivation

By Don Baker

Sŏ Kyŏngdŏk’s Philosophy of *Ki*: Continuity, Wholeness, and Dynamism

By Jung Yeup Kim                                                          63

Philosophical Aporia of Neo-Confucianism during the Chosŏn Dynasty

By Dong Hee Lee

Antiqueness and Coarseness: Understanding Korean Aesthetics

from the Perspective of Daoism

By Tschung-Sun Kim                                                 101–122**


“Lost Flower”

By Yi Sang

Translated by Steven D. Capener                             123–134

Selected Poems

By Yi Sang

Translated by Jack Jung                                              135–148

Yi Sang’s Construct in Language and Space

Translations of Selected Yi Sang Poems by Grace H. Jung

Architectural Interpretations by Evan D. Hall           149–156


An Interview with Professor Gari K. Ledyard

Conducted by Haimin Lee                                          157–186


*Gender and Mission Encounters in Korea: New Women, Old Ways *

By Hyaeweol Choi.

Timothy S. Lee                                                          187

*Uri ak k**ŭrim ŭl p’umtta* (*Korean music embraces paintings*)

By Yi Hyobun.

Yeonok Jang                                                             190

* *

*The Spirit of the Mountains: *

*Korea’s San-Shin and Traditions of Mountain Worship*. **

By David A. Mason.

John Synott
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