[KS] Publication of an english collection of Kyung-Chik Han

Hoon Song meersong at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 02:52:22 EDT 2011

Dear List members,

    The HAN Kyung-Chik Foundation in Korea is working to share the teachings
of HAN Kyung-Chik, the 1992 Templeton Prize Laureate. His faith and life had
a profound impact on Korean Christianity and continues to inspire young
generations of Koreans today.  His love for both his country and his
neighbors emanated from his great love for Jesus Christ.

    To share his visions with other people, the foundation is publishing an
English Collection of writings by and on Kyung-Chik Han. The Kyung-Chik Han
Collection is composed of ten volumes and categorized into four parts: I.
Biographies (vol. 1-3), II. Sermons (vol. 4-7), III. Lectures (vol. 8), and
IV. Theses (vol. 9-10). Therefore, with hope that people will read and enjoy
this collection, we are planning to present this collection as a gift to
libraries and educational institutions around the world. It would be a good
source to study the history of Korean Christianity  and society from the
Japanese occupation to the zenith of Korean Christianity around 1990.

   If you are interested in this collection, we would like to request the
mailing address of your library or institution. We will ship the collection
promptly once we receive the address.

Sincerely yours,

Hoon Song

HAN Kyung-Chik Foundation
2-69, Jeo-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea, 100-032
tel. 82.2.2280.0294
c.p. 82.10.8554.5774
E.mail  meersong at gmail.com
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