[KS] Upcoming Symposium at SUNY Binghamton (Center for Korean Studies)

Chungse Jung chungsejung at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 20 20:27:37 EDT 2012

Upcoming Symposium at SUNY Binghamton

After Neoliberalism: Democracy and Class in South Korea

Date: May 11-12, 2012

Organized by the Center for Korean Studies and sponsored by the Academy for Korean Studies Grant for the Overseas Leading University Program for Korean Studies

Keynote Speaker

Hagen Koo (Univ. of Hawaii): “Class Restructuration after East Asia’s ‘Growth with Equity’”

Roundtable: “Reassessing Democracy and Development in East Asia”

Chair and Discussant: Fredric Deyo (SUNY-Binghamton)

Kyung-Sup Chang (Seoul National Univ.): “Illiberal Bourgeoisie and Democracy under Late Development: The Korean or Asian Dilemma”

SangJun Kim (Kyung Hee Univ.): “Overlapping Modernities and East Asia”

Panel 1: “Democracy and Politics in Neoliberal Korea”

Chair and discussant: Yoonkyung Lee (SUNY-Binghamton)

Rakkoo Chung (SUNY-Albany): “The Third Wave of Democratization: Consolidation of Nominal Democracy?”

Oh-Jung Kwon (Rutgers Univ.): “Hegemonic Discourse and Institutional Ethos in the Politics of the Korean Economic Crisis”

Woo Chang Kang (NYU): “Electoral Cycles in Patterns of Tactical Allocation: The Analysis on the Intergovernmental Transfers in South Korea 1989-2008”

Panel 2: “Class and Social Structure in Neoliberal Korea”

Chair and discussant: SangJun Kim (Kyung Hee Univ.)

Myung Ji Yang (Brown Univ.): “The Making of the Urban Middle Class in South Korea”

SeongSoo Choi (Yale Univ.): “Occupational Mobility in the Economic Crisis: The Example of South Korea”

Bongoh Kye (Cornell Univ.): “Population aging and socioeconomic development in South Korea”

For more information, email Organizer Yoonkyung Lee (yklee at binghamton.edu) or Research Coordinator Chungse Jung (chungse.jung at binghamton.edu).

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