[KS] # of Korean high school graduates in the last fifty years?

Adina.cho at gmx.de Adina.cho at gmx.de
Thu Aug 23 09:50:57 EDT 2012

i have to correct me. The online statistics go back till 1965. So there you get all numbers of the last 50years.
As I just tried, the links seem to be dead. 
So better try a direct link: http://cesi.kedi.re.kr/publ/publ_yrbk_frme.jsp?menuid=1


Am 23.08.2012 um 15:11 schrieb McCann, David:

> I am trying to find the total number of high school graduates from  
> South Korean high schools in the last 50 years.  I will keep looking,  
> but does anyone have a suggestion about directing my search?
> Many thanks,  David McCann

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