[KS] Travelogue: Book on Seoul and First Movie ever Filmed and Played in Korea by E. Burton Holmes, 1901

Matt Winchell mattwinchell at gmail.com
Sat Feb 25 13:07:59 EST 2012

According to the Korean Movie Database, this is the only Burton Holmes film housed at the Korean Film Archive, from 1899:

This is what is being shown in the Daum clip (it seems like someone was indeed recording the screen with a camera at a KOFA screening). 

According to the KMDb it's five minutes in total and they do have a Duplicate Negative and two Release Prints in their holdings:

I'm not sure where the 1901 date comes from...

Matt Winchell
Graduate Student
Center for Korean Studies
School of Pacific and Asian Studies
University of Hawai`i at Mānoa

On Feb 24, 2012, at 1:47 PM, Frank Hoffmann wrote:

>> I have learned that Holmes' Original 1901 film is now housed at 
>> Korea Film Council.....
> Okay -- but "original" means what here? Does your source reveal more 
> info? You mean the original roles of film from 1901? Those may have 
> long gone, as they were re-mastered to 35 mm film in the 1910s or at 
> the latest in 1922.
> I am by no means trying to be overly meticulous about nothing. It is 
> just that it seems the clip at the DAUM website, that was probably 
> (?) a filming that some visitor did with his/her camera FROM the 
> screen at Korea Film Council, yes? There are people standing up in 
> front while the film is shown. And if that is what the Korea Film 
> Council has gotten, then it is *for sure* not a copy of the original 
> 1901 film whatsoever, and not a FULL version of the 1901 plus the 
> 1912 films either ... as I pointed out at the end of my last posting. 
> Also, some if the scenes were not from 1901 but from 1912 while other 
> scenes that we know must still exist (as they were copied into the 
> 1922 movie) were not at all in that clip.
> Best,
> Frank
> -- 
> --------------------------------------
> Frank Hoffmann
> http://koreaweb.ws

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