[KS] Message (publication announcements, etc.)

Frank Hoffmann hoffmann at koreaweb.ws
Tue May 15 08:16:38 EDT 2012

Dear Benjamin Joinau, AND All:

Just a personal note from a co-subscriber:

Even if not a native French speaker--in my 
opinion it would be most welcome to see more such 
announcements about any important and/or 
interesting publications that ESPECIALLY those 
subscribers who are not native speakers of the 
publication language (French, German, Dutch, 
etc.) would otherwise miss! Especially postings 
about publications in the "classical area" of 
Korean studies (history and culture) would be 
helpful. I have a very strong impression that in 
past years many here are underestimating the 
interest that many subscribers have in 
publications in non-English publications. Some 
sort of self-humbling based on language is really 
out of place. Remember, when Rob Provine started 
this discussion list in 1994 it was at first an 
AKSE list: it is not anymore, but still, there is 
no limitation as for the language of publications 
that can be announced or discussed here. 
Non-English and non-Korean publications are 
getting little attention in any case. Please 


In this connection: an announcement such as the 
one below (on the Croisements  issue) is most 
certainly placed right here on the list. But if 
you have anything you feel you may not want to 
necessarily "bother" 1300 or 1500 subscribers 
with, any side notes, little tips, non-essential 
or non-academic stuff of any sort, please feel 
free to post this at the new "Everything Korean" 
Message board at:


Details: http://koreaweb.ws/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1


Best wishes,
Frank Hoffmann

>I am a member of your list. Do you think you 
>could post this message please? Thank you in 
>This is an information for French speaking members (if any !):
>The publisher l'Atelier des Cahiers is happy to 
>announce the publication of the second issue of 
>the social sciences journal in French : 
>"Croisements" - this year, the theme is "cities 
>of dreams, real cities".
>"Croisements" is a multidisciplinary and 
>transnational journal specialised in research 
>about North-East Asia in French.
>You can find the detailed summary on the Web 
>Centers of research and libraries related to the 
>area/theme can receive a complimentary copy on 
>demand (please write to 
><mailto:contact at atelierdescahiers.com>contact at atelierdescahiers.com).
>The issue n.3 (2013) is going to be dedicated to 
>the relations Asia/Africa. Here is the Call for 
>papers :
>Appel à contributions
>La relation entre l'Asie et l'Afrique est 
>fortement médiatisée, mais trop souvent résumée 
>à une dimension économique qui ne rend pas 
>compte de la richesse véritable de ce 
>partenariat tout à la fois ancien, et 
>profondément ouvert sur le XXIème siècle.
>Certaines zones africaines (l'île Maurice, 
>l'Afrique du Sud, les pays côtiers de l'Afrique 
>de l'Est, l'Afrique australe) sont des espaces 
>d'implantation traditionnelle pour les 
>populations asiatiques mais de nouvelles régions 
>sont aujourd'hui concernées. Le Maghreb, 
>L'Afrique de l'Ouest et centrale voient affluer 
>d'Asie des capitaux, des produits, des hommes. 
>Ces subits rapprochements font évoluer les 
>idéologies, les échanges interculturels ou les 
>pratiques professionnelles entre les deux 
>Par ailleurs, les relations entre l'Asie et 
>l'Afrique sont aujourd'hui marquées par la 
>réciprocité : les communautés africaines, 
>étudiantes ou professionnelles, présentes en 
>Asie, sont les acteurs de nouvelles proximités 
>qu'il convient d'analyser.
>Les conflits et les alliances, les relations 
>culturelles, les politiques caritatives, les 
>relations démographiques contribuent elles aussi 
>à définir de nouvelles relations internationales 
>et constituent un formidable champ 
>d'investigations pour les sciences humaines.
>Le numéro 3 de la revue Croisements s'intéresse 
>à ce renouveau de la relation entre l'Asie du 
>Nord Est et le continent africain, et sollicite 
>des disciplines comme la philosophie, 
>l'anthropologie, la sociologie, la littérature 
>ou les sciences politiques pour mieux déjouer 
>les clichés et les raccourcis intellectuels.
>Le numéro 3 de Croisements, intitulé Asie 
>/Afrique, cherchera à éclairer cette pluralité 
>de relations grâce à une complémentarité des 
>approches. Au final, ce numéro permettra 
>peut-être de délimiter les contours d'une 
>relation spécifique que la seule dimension 
>économique peine à définir.
>Date limite d'envoi des propositions d'article : le 1er novembre 2012
>(au Comité de rédaction via le courriel : linguistique at france.or.kr)
>Who is Atelier des Cahiers?
>We are a group of French people established in 
>Korea (personnally since 1994) and involved in 
>research, teaching and academics. We have 
>founded few years ago a publishing company under 
>French law called Atelier des Cahiers - 
>distributed in France and Korea. We have 
>published since 1998 the journal "Cahiers de 
>Corée" (8 issues up to now). Since 2006 we are 
>also publishing books (in French) about Korea 
>and about East Asia. Some of them may be of 
>particular interest for members of the list:
>"Pérégrinations coréennes" is a travelogue published by a sociologist
>"Poésie et Paysage" is a collection of papers 
>about landscape and poetry (France/Korea)
>"Art et culture du lieu " is a collection of 
>papers about environment and arts (France/Korea)
>" Impressions papier hanji" is an anthology of 
>short stories written by Korean and French 
>writers about Korea
>You can find more info about us in our Web sites :
>Benjamin Joinau
>PS : our books are distributed in France and 
>French speaking countries in Europe by Pollen, 
>and may also be found in Seoul (French School, 
>Seoul Selection bookshop, Kyobo bookshop, Le 
>Saint-Ex, Café des Arts of French Institute, 
>Attachment converted: HDD:Croisements 2 couv recto.jpg (JPEG/«IC») (02A15B58)

Frank Hoffmann
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