[KS] Critiques of Sin Chaeho

Dennis Lee dennis.lee at ucla.edu
Fri May 10 22:25:37 EDT 2013

Hello Andrew,

As for your Chinese history database question, you can try the Hanji dianzi
wenxian ziliaoku  漢籍電子文獻資料庫 which is at

It is character searchable and useful if you need to find something
quickly. But there aren't any modern Chinese translations, as far as I can

Dennis Lee

On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 3:38 AM, Andrew <zatouichi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Are there any famous or useful critiques of Sin Chaeho's *Joseon-san'go-sa
> * (朝鮮上古史), from any period up to the present, by Western or Korean
> scholars?
> Separately, is there any searchable database of Chinese histories
> equivalent, for example, to the Hanguk-sa Database website?
> Thank-you in advance for any answers,
>  Andrew Logie
> (Helsinki University)
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