[KS] Critiques of Sin Chaeho

Vladimir Tikhonov vladimir.tikhonov at ikos.uio.no
Sat May 11 06:42:58 EDT 2013

Dear Andrew,

I would recommend you Paek Namun's oeuvre, <Chōsen shakai keizaishi> (朝 
鮮社会経済史, 東京 : 改造社, 1933). Sin and his epigones are criticised 
there from solid Marxist positions, although Paek goes against certain 
points in what was then Marxist orthodoxy in Japan (he does not 
recognize "Asiatic mode of production" in ancient Korea, for example). 
Generally, criticism of Sin and other "romantic nationalists" (the likes 
of ChOng Inbo, KwOn TOkkyu etc.) was a common theme in the writings by 
the Korean Marxists in the late 30s (Pak Ch'iu and Lim Hwa, in addition 
to Marxist historians). Sin's uncompromising political line was, 
however, much adored - for understandable reasons.


On 11.05.2013 04:25, Dennis Lee wrote:
> Hello Andrew,
> As for your Chinese history database question, you can try the Hanji
> dianzi wenxian ziliaoku  漢籍電子文獻資料庫 which is at
> http://hanchi.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/ihp/hanji.htm
> It is character searchable and useful if you need to find something
> quickly. But there aren't any modern Chinese translations, as far as I
> can remember.
> Best,
> Dennis Lee
> On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 3:38 AM, Andrew <zatouichi at gmail.com
> <mailto:zatouichi at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Dear all,
>     Are there any famous or useful critiques of Sin Chaeho's
>     /Joseon-san'go-sa/ (朝鮮上古史), from any period up to the present,
>     by Western or Korean scholars?
>     Separately, is there any searchable database of Chinese histories
>     equivalent, for example, to the Hanguk-sa Database website?
>     Thank-you in advance for any answers,
>     Andrew Logie
>     (Helsinki University)

Vladimir Tikhonov,
Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages,
Faculty of Humanities,
University of Oslo,
P.b. 1010, Blindern, 0315, Oslo, Norway.
Fax: 47-22854828; Tel: 47-22857118
Personal web page: http://folk.uio.no/vladimit/
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