[KS] September with RAS Korea

Brother Anthony ansonjae at sogang.ac.kr
Wed Aug 31 21:42:08 EDT 2016

Members of this list are welcome to join us in our activities:
Brother Anthony
President, RAS Korea

See our Website: http://www.raskb.com  for full details 

Upcoming lectures

September 13 Jeong Ho-Seung and Brother Anthony: Meeting a Korean Poet: Jeong Ho-Seung
September 20 Maija Devine: The Comfort Women of WWII
October 11 Alastair Gale: South Korea's Lost Decade
October 25 Pierre-Emmanuel Roux: The French Expedition of 1866

Upcoming excursions

Saturday September 3 Namsan Hanok Village (Amy Yeo)
Saturday September 10 Seonunsa and a traditional Onggi potter’s studio (Br Anthony)
September 14 – 15  Seoraksan at Chuseok (Sue Bae)
Saturday September 24 Woraksan National Park, Gosu Cave & Chungju Lake (Sue Bae)
Monday October 3 Korea's Native Faiths and Gods including a visit to the Tangun Shrine (Jun Shin)

Business and Culture Club
Tuesday, September 20 12 noon We will visit Seun Sangga, a megastructure designed by Kim Swoo-geun in the '60s. https://www.facebook.com/events/1808566506043083/ 

Reading Club
Monday, September 5 at 7:00 p.m. at the Jongno District Office Library. We will be reading "New York Bakery" by Kim Yeon-su. https://www.facebook.com/groups/rasreadingclub/ 

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