[KS] Follow-up posting an update with a shorter link

Sangoak Lee sangoak2 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 25 10:15:15 EST 2016

Dear those who *still* want to join in solving the* anigma *of Korean
family names,

In the previous posting it is not opened to someone when the following two
lines are not continuously given. Please try two lines altogether.

As Frank suggested I find a short URL like http://tinyurl.com/RRnames1 works
better. In this lengthy file the first part of conclusion [pp.151] is
translated as follows:

Report on the *Romanization of Korean surnames* [summary of p.151]

When I made the first official research project on surnames, many systems
of Korean Romanization have to be evaluated as usual.  The current official
system of Romanization adopted by the Ministry of Culture in 2000 states
that "surnames are not required to follow the system."  This has created a
confusing situation in which long used popular customary forms, the
current Ministry
of Culture (MC or RR) system, and the McCune-Reischauer (MR) system [plus North
Korean system which is a sort of modified MR] may be all used for surnames
based on individual preference.  Under the situation of considerable
confusion, the Korean government has asked me to gather opinions and
conduct research in 2010 on the issue with the aim of creating
a reasonable system for *Romanizing Korean surnames*.  The issue is
particularly important for Koreans who live and work overseas and who study
extensively in international fields as well as foreigners.

In the present situation the following special measures had better be
assumed beyond RR.

(1) ㄱ>K, ㅂ>B (In case of 박 Park, P is allowed, but all other ㅂ's are B), 이>Lee,
조>Jo. Also a part of ㅓ>u and ㅜ>oo; Noh, Lim, Shin, Shim, Ah, Oh, Woo, Woon,
and Choi had better be allowed as popular forms against RR forms.

(2) Writing two forms in a row by putting MR in the parenthesis may refer
to each other when necessary, for instance, checking of passport and
library catalogue. This idea is reflected in the second and the third

(2) Sound changes occurred in between surnames and own names are not
represented in romanization. e.g. Park Myeong-il (Although it is pronounced
as 'Bang Myeong-il,' Park and Myeong-il are kept. The rule of hyphenation
to avoid Myeon-gil was already established.)

One may admit the following three proposals altogether and select one
depending on needs. One may also allow only 1 & 2 or 2 & 3 and then
selectively use a necessary proposal. In a more decisive manner one can
also select only one column out of three as follows.

No.   Surnames      1st proposal      2nd proposal                    3rd

                                                     [1st in the
parenthesis]      [MR in the parenthesis]

This research project includes 165 surnames (plus 20 rarely using surnames)
and statistically checks millions of samples. It means this investigation
aims to be the most thorough care so far made.

Discussions in KSList well help us a great deal in developing a rationale
proposal that will gain wide acceptance.

Merry Christmas,

Sang-Oak Lee

2016-12-24 20:36 GMT+09:00 Sangoak Lee <sangoak2 at gmail.com>:

> Dear those who want to join in solving the* anigma *of Korean family
> names,
> To read the proposals to romanize the Korean family names  I suggested
> the following and it works in my computer but it is not open to someone
> else.
> http://www.korean.go.kr/front/%20reportData/reportDataView.d
> o?mn_id=45&report_seq=608&pageIndex=1
> and then click
> 첨부자료
>    - 성씨의 로마자 표기 정책 마련 연구.pdf
>    <http://www.korean.go.kr/common/download.do?file_path=reportData&c_file_name=f9750bb4-86f8-4f92-be3b-ee7810ab0914_0.pdf&o_file_name=%EC%84%B1%EC%94%A8%EC%9D%98%20%EB%A1%9C%EB%A7%88%EC%9E%90%20%ED%91%9C%EA%B8%B0%20%EC%A0%95%EC%B1%85%20%EB%A7%88%EB%A0%A8%20%EC%97%B0%EA%B5%AC.pdf&downGubun=reportDataViewForm&report_seq=608>
> As Frank suggested I find a short URL like http://tinyurl.com/RRnames1 works
> better. In this lengthy file the part of conclusion [pp.151-155] is
> designed for selecting one out of three proposals. The second and third
> proposals/columns are consisting of *ooo (ooo):* that is, writing two
> styles together in a row although the other is in the parenthesis. For
> those who can understand this Korean writing/description may send me
> their responses and help me to induce our reasonable conclusion.
> Merry Christmas,
> --
> 이상억 Sang-Oak Lee/www.sangoak.com
> Prof. Emeritus, Dep't of Korean
> College of Humanities, Seoul Nat'l Univ.
> Seoul 151-745, Korea

이상억 Sang-Oak Lee/www.sangoak.com
Prof. Emeritus, Dep't of Korean
College of Humanities, Seoul Nat'l Univ.
Seoul 151-745, Korea
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