[KS] Seeking panelists for AKSE conference in Rome - Placing Popular Culture

Guy Podoler gpodoler at research.haifa.ac.il
Sat Jun 23 02:56:15 EDT 2018

Dear list members,

We are seeking panelists and a discussant to join our panel proposal for
AKSE conference in Rome
(April 11-14, 2019).

Our panel is provisionally titled *“Placing Popular Culture: The
Reconfiguration of Cultural Artifacts and Urban Space in South Korea*,” and
below is our abstract-in-progress:

This panel explores how popular culture and urban spaces mediate each other
and construct each others’ meanings in South Korea. In the past two
decades, South Korean popular culture has drawn significant attention from
scholars, yet the questions related to how those popular-cultural phenomena
spill from their media environments, gain spatial materiality, and
reconstitute South Korea’s urban landscape have remained by and large
neglected. The panel aims to examine how the spatial presence of cultural
artifacts reconfigures urban spaces into the places of historical
commemoration, tourist pilgrimage, and fandom worship. At the same time, we
consider how with such spatialization, popular cultural icons transcend
their mediated ephemerality, become tangible artifacts, accumulate
histories as urban objects, and generate their own social spaces. Drawing
out specific instances of how popular culture becomes “placed” and urban
spaces “culturalized,” we explore mechanisms and interests behind such
convergences, draw out competing claims they accommodate, and unpack their

With those questions in mind, we are mainly interested in papers related to
emplaced heritization of popular culture; spatial aspects of hero-making
and celebrity-making; social spaces created through placed popular culture,
including public art and street art; co-constitution between
popular-cultural artifacts and urban experience; Hallyu tourism and its
spatial implications; conflicts over popular culture in built environments
and negotiations between concerned communities.

If interested, please send a brief bio and (for potential panelists) a
500-word abstract to fed0renk0 at snu.ac.kr and *gpodoler at research.haifa.ac.il
<gpodoler at research.haifa.ac.il>* by *July 8*.


Olga Fedorenko (Seoul National University) and Guy Podoler (University of
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