[KS] Submissions for the AAS Committee on Korean Studies Newsletter
CedarBough T. Saeji
umyang at gmail.com
Thu Jan 30 23:43:42 EST 2020
Dear Korean Studies Colleagues,
It's time for the late winter pre-AAS edition of our newsletter. I know
you've been planning to send me amazing items for this edition of the
For the member news, I would like your publications since the last edition
of the newsletter (August). Please send a bibliographic entry for your
journal articles and book chapters, and if you have published a book I
welcome an image of your cover, and even a book blurb.
Reports on conferences in Korean Studies are an important component of our
newsletter because as our field grows it is hard for all of us to keep up
with what's going on. We ignore calls we wouldn't submit to, but that
doesn't mean we aren't curious about what people are saying on those
topics, some of which may be of dear interest to our students. Please tell
us about conferences you attended or organized. A report could be anywhere
from 250 words on up, formatted as a simple overview or a panel by
panel/paper by paper highlight. Think of this as a chance to thank the cool
people who presented, the grad students who ran around doing things, the
sources of conference funding and so on.
Please send announcements for future events at your university, calls for
participation in conferences or seminars or special issues of
journals/edited volumes, and so on.
And I'm always looking for special features of 200 to 1000 words. For
§ the state of Korean Studies in your country
§ the recent developments related to a discipline or topic within the
Korean context
§ the activities you've been carrying out related to Korea at your
§ an exhibit or performance (even if it has concluded) on a Korean related
§ and I welcome additional features on other topics of general interest
to people in Korean Studies
Your deadline is relatively soon—*February **22nd.* For examples of what
the newsletter looks like, please follow this link to the past two
newsletters: http://www.koreanstudies.org/newsletters/
Please email your submissions to c.saeji at gmail.com. Thank you so much,
Newsletter Editor
CedarBough T Saeji
Please feel free to forward this call to other Koreanists that you know,
and urge them to add themselves to our mailing list by emailing their
institutional affiliation and full name to cks.aas.11 at gmail.com. Submitting
to the newsletter does *not* require current AAS membership, it only
requires your self-identification as a scholar of Korea.
CedarBough T. Saeji ∞ 서이지 ● 瑞利智
Profile on Academia.edu <https://ubc.academia.edu/CedarBoughSaeji>
Visiting Assistant Professor in Asian Languages and Cultures, Indiana
University- Bloomington
Skype: c.saeji
Twitter: @TheKpopProf
"Preserving intangible culture as static performances in the hope of
sustaining cultural diversity may do very little to foster the processes of
change and regeneration that are needed to ensure cultural vitality and
heterogeneity" (Pietrobruno 2009: 240).
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