[KS] European Journal of Korean Studies - Call for Papers for Vol 21, No.2 (April, 2022) and Vol 22, No.1 (October, 2022)

Robert Winstanley-Chesters R.Winstanley-Chesters at leeds.ac.uk
Wed Sep 15 13:01:53 EDT 2021

European Journal of Korean Studies - Call for Papers for Vol 21, No.2 (April, 2022) and Vol 22, No.1 (October, 2022)

European Journal of Korean Studies would like to issue a call for papers for Volume 21.2 and 22.1, which will appear in two issues in the spring of 2022 and the autumn of 2022, respectively. We welcome research articles and book reviews for both of these volumes from scholars across Eastern and Western Europe, Australasia, Korea, and the globe. We welcome research and writing from any academic discipline as it relates to matters Korean. We take a detailed approach to peer review and copy editing, are committed to diversity and take pride in our work with early career scholars. Research articles must be in the English language and no longer than 10,000 words (not including endnotes).

The deadline for submission to Volume 21, No. 2 (April, 2021) is 15 October 2021. Contributions received by 15 April 2022 will be considered for Volume 22, No. 1 (October, 2022).

European Journal of Korean Studies is available digitally and in print and is now accessible online at www.ejks.org.uk<http://www.ejks.org.uk/>, including all back issues of the journal and its predecessor, the Papers of the British Association for Korean Studies. The journal now has ISSN numbers, is listed in Crossref; and produces doi numbers for all current and historical papers. The European Journal of Korean Studies is indexed in SCOPUS, ESCI/Web of Science, and MLA International Bibliography/Directory of Periodicals providing further incentives to consider the European Journal of Korean Studies as the destination for your output. Please consult our manuscript submission guidelines before submitting your work: https://www.ejks.org.uk/guidelines/. To submit materials, please contact the Managing Editor at r.winstanley-chesters at leeds.ac.uk<mailto:r.winstanley-chesters at leeds.ac.uk>

European Journal of Korean Studies hopes to be at the forthcoming Association for Korean Studies in Europe Conference 2021, which is due to be a hybrid event online and in person in La Rochelle, France this year between the 28th and 31st of October (find details at: https://apps.univ-lr.fr/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Colloque.woa/1/wa/colloque?code=2701), interested and prospective authors might meet or communicate with the Editors of the journal, so please email the Managing Editor to express an interest.

The European Journal of Korean Studies is sponsored by the British Association for Korean Studies and generously funded by a grant from the Academy of Korean Studies.

Volume 20, Number 2 was published on April 1 2020. Volume 21, Number 1 will be published on October 1, 2021 and features a special section guest edited by Dr Farrah Sheikh of SOAS, University of London on Korean Islamic/Muslim interactions.


Editor in Chief - Dr James Lewis (University of Oxford, Wolfson College)
Managing Editor - Dr Robert Winstanley-Chesters (University of Leeds/Bath Spa University/York St John University and Wolfson College. University of Oxford)

To obtain a copy of the European Journal of Korean Studies visit our website and purchase a subscription, individual issues or articles. The European Journal of Korean Studies subscription rates for students (up through graduate student/PhD level) are very reasonably priced online at £15 per year, regular waged memberships are £30 per year. You may also become a member of the British Association for Korean Studies and receive this, future and past issues free of charge.
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