[KS] 2022 Kyujanggak Korean Studies Summer Workshop

성상환 sseong at snu.ac.kr
Thu Jun 23 19:49:44 EDT 2022

Dear KS list staffs,

Greetings from the SNU International Center for Korean Studies at Kyujanggak!

Could you send the following announcement to the entire members of the KS mailinglist as soon as possible?

We deeply appreciate your cooperation and attention!

Best regards,

Sang Hwan SEONG
Director of the ICKS

Sang Hwan SEONG, PhD. (UC Berkeley 96) http://germanedu.snu.ac.kr/html/sub01_02_013.asp
Professor of Germanic Linguistics
Department of German Language Education
College of Education, Seoul National University

Director of the SNU Center for Educational Research http://eduresearch.snu.ac.kr/main/main.php
Director of the SNU International Center for Korean Studies at Kyujanggak https://icks.snu.ac.kr/main/en/sub/introduction/message.asp?menu_num=115&sub_num=122&this_site_lang=en
President of the Korean Association for Multicultural Education(KAME) https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rmer20/current
Editor-in-Chief of Migration and Language Education(Castledown) https://www.castledown.com/journals/mle/

규장각한국학연구원이 제16회 한국학 여름학교를 개최합니다. 여름학교는 한국학 혹은 한국 유관분야를 전공하는 외국 대학원생들에게 한국학 내 다양한 연구 분야의 연구 동향을 더 깊이 이해할 기회를 제공하는 데 목적을 두고 있습니다. 코로나-19 상황을 고려하여 이번 여름학교는 2022년 7월 4일부터 7월 22일까지 3주간 온라인 강의(ZOOM)로 진행됩니다.
강의는 한국사, 과학사, 미디어, 고전문학, 현대어문학, 한국예술, 여성사, 사상·종교 및 교육, 북한관계 등 다양한 분야에서의 연구 방법론, 연구 동향, 접근법 등을 다룹니다. 서울대 교수님들과 해외 학계의 저명한 학자들께서 강의를 맡아주실 예정입니다. 90분 강의 후에는 강의 내용에 대한 토론과 질의 기회도 제공됩니다. 수업과 토론은 한국어 및 영어로 진행합니다. 총 39개의 강의 중 20개 이상의 강의에 출석한 학생에게는 수료증이 발급됩니다.
신청은 다음 절차에 따라 온라인으로 진행됩니다. 아래 링크에서 온라인 신청서를 작성하고 이력서(CV)를 업로드 해주시기 바랍니다: https://url.kr/p54cyw https://letter2.snu.ac.kr/response/response.do?method=MC31549&MMD=MTkwMDIx&SDD=MQ==&MGD=Mw==&SND=MTE1NzM=&TGD=MTIxODk2&EMA=c3Nlb25nQHNudS5hYy5rcg==&LKT=MQ==&LKD=NTM5ODEw&URL=https://url.kr/p54cyw. 등록을 해주신 분들에 한하여 일정표와 줌 링크가 전달될 예정입니다.
*신청서 제출 마감일: 2022년 6월 30일 (목요일) 오후 5시
*문의: icks at snu.ac.kr, +82-2-880-9378
*코로나19 상황에 따라, 프로그램 일정이 변경될 수 있습니다.

Dear All,
This summer, the Kyujanggak Institute of Korean Studies will host its sixteenth summer workshop for Korean studies. The workshop aims to give graduate students in Korean studies or Korea-related subjects the opportunity to further their understanding on research trends in various fields of Korean studies. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the event will be conducted online via (ZOOM) for three weeks, from July 4 to July 22, 2022.
Lectures will cover research methods, trends, and approaches in more than 30 different fields: history, history of science, mass media, classical literature, modern linguistics and literature, gender history, philosophy, religion and education, art, North Korea relations, etc. SNU faculty members and prominent scholars from global community will participate as lecturers. After 90 minutes of each lecture, there will be an open session for discussion and Q&A. Lectures and discussions will be either in Korean or English. Students who attend more than 20 lectures will receive a certificate of participation.
For application, please register and upload your CV at the following link: https://url.kr/p54cyw https://letter2.snu.ac.kr/response/response.do?method=MC31549&MMD=MTkwMDIx&SDD=MQ==&MGD=Mw==&SND=MTE1NzM=&TGD=MTIxODk2&EMA=c3Nlb25nQHNudS5hYy5rcg==&LKT=MQ==&LKD=NTM5ODEw&URL=https://url.kr/p54cyw. The timeline and the zoom links will be sent only to those who registered.
*Application deadline: 5 PM, June 30, 2022
*Contact: icks at snu.ac.kr, +82-2-880-9378

*The program is subject to change due to the COVID-19 related situations.

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