[KS] Book exhibition at the AKSE Conference 2023

Barbara Wall nabibabi at gmail.com
Tue May 2 02:57:32 EDT 2023

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Would you be interested in exhibiting a book or books you contributed to at
the upcoming AKSE conference 2023? We are organizing a book exhibition at
the AKSE conference 2023 (on-site and virtually) for books related to Korea
in any language.
If you are interested, please complete this form:
For the on-site book exhibition you would need to bring the book(s) you
would like to exhibit to Copenhagen or send them in advance. If you
are interested,
we encourage you to contact your publishers and to ask if they can provide
a discount code for the conference participants. The exhibition room will
be accessible from June 23-25 and will be managed by a team of students. We
will take good care of your books, so that you can take them home again
after the conference. (If the books like to stay in Copenhagen, we are
happy to take care of them also after the conference. ^.^)


*Barbara Wall *
Associate Professor, Korean Studies
Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies
University of Copenhagen
Karen Blixens Plads 8
DK-2300 Copenhagen S

Phone: +45-51799185 <barbara.wall at hum.ku.dk>

Mail: barbara.wall at hum.ku.dk

Link: https://ccrs.ku.dk/staff/?pure=en/persons/583023

PI, research project TEMPTING TUNES: Interfaces of Sound and Narrative in
Korean Culture <https://ccrs.ku.dk/research/asia/tempting-tunes/>
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