[KS] Job Advertisement: Language Instructor for Korean at the Univ. of Tübingen

You Jae Lee youjaelee at gmail.com
Wed May 3 11:11:36 EDT 2023

*Job Advertisement: Language Instructor for Korean at the Univ. of Tübingen*

The Department of Korean Studies of the Institute of Asian and Oriental
Studies (AOI) at Eberhard Karls University Tübingen invites applications
for the position of a Language Instructor for Korean (m/f/d) (*Salary Group
TV-L 13, full-time position*) for a period of two years starting on 1
October 2023. Upon positive evaluation at the end of the two-year period,
the post will be made permanent without further advertisement.

The duties of the position include teaching Korean language and *Hanja* in
all Bachelor's and Master's programmes of the department, assisting with
examinations and other departmental tasks in various areas, and advising
and mentoring students, especially during the exchange year in Korea.
Responsible participation in the further development of language teaching
materials, as well as in the development of e-learning concepts, are also
required. The teaching load is 16 semester hours per week.

Requirements for employment include a Master's degree in a subject
appropriate for the performance of teaching duties (e.g. Korean as a
Foreign Language, Language Education Research with a focus on Korean, or a
related degree), and native or equivalent proficiency in Korean language.
Proven pedagogical skills, in particular substantial teaching experience in
Korean language at university level, and the ability to work in a team, as
well as very good written and spoken German or English are desirable. An
interest in intercultural and interdisciplinary issues, a good knowledge of
language teaching methods, and a willingness to innovate are expected.

The University of Tübingen is an equal opportunities employer and places
particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for women. Qualified
women are therefore strongly encouraged to apply. Applications from
disabled candidates will be given preference if the qualifications of these
candidates are identical to those of a non-disabled candidate.

Applications with the usual documents (cover letter, curriculum vitae,
degree certificates, etc.) should be sent in electronic form (in one PDF
file) by e-mail to Prof. Dr. You Jae Lee (you-jae.lee at uni-tuebingen.de) by
20 May 2023. Any queries may also be sent to this address.

The University of Tübingen will not reimburse any costs related to the
application process.
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