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With the implementation of Unicode into all major operating systems (OS)—Mac, Windows, and Linux—all newer home computers can now easily handle East Asian scripts and non-ASCII characters required by various transliteration and transcription systems (click on Tools section; old Mac OS 7 to 9 see here). Explanations of how to input Han'gŭl and Hanja on various systems can therefore be kept to a minimum: see (a) Windows XP and older OS , (b) Windows 7 & 10, and (c) Mac OS X. Here is a summary. Many Korean programmers seem to be little concerned about applying industry and community standards when developing desktop and Internet applications. That already starts with simple encodings of websites, but it continues through the entire range of programming: desktop applications, cell phone apps, streaming and telecommunication scripting. As a result, and you will have experienced this as a user, the achievements that could make life so much easier because of cross-platform compatibility, Unicode, etc. are thereby voided. The simplest, most convenient and time-saving way to deal with that situation for someone in Korean studies is to use Windows XP or Windows 7 or 10 Pro as an OS and Internet Explorer as a browser. IE is no longer being developed for Windows XP, the better choice is now Windows 7 or 8. Note that all six versions of Win allow you to read and write Korean, but the "Starter" version has limitations that may hinder you to install some of the mentioned reader programs and applications required when working with Websites and institutions in Korea. If you are a Mac and/or Linux user like myself, my suggestion is to install a second OS—a virtual Windows operating system under Mac (or Linux), which you then open like any other application on your Mac or Linux machine: I made very good experiences with Virtual Box, free virtualization software from Oracle; of course, you will need a license for the Windows OS you install. Last note: In order to circumvent the stupefying Korean Internet censorship measures by KCSC you can install a tool such as Proxifier and use SOCKS or sign up for a VPN service like OverPlay; it works both ways for IP restrictions.

Typing Brèves and Macrons (info & keyboard drivers)
• Hanja fonts with 70,000+ characters—Noto fonts
Hanword HWP -> MS Word conversion (Mac, Win)
ezPDF -> Adobe PDF conversion

Windows KoreanWindows:
Hancom Office 2014 and free Win Viewer 뷰어

Mac Korean Mac:
Hancom Office 2014 and free Mac Viewer 뷰어
Keyboard driver for Old Korean (2013)
Hanja input problem & solution (MS Office prgs.)

Korean Websites Web

alternativeTo (find alternative or similar software)
Tool to Download & Convert YouTube Clips
Docs-Engine and eBook Search and Scribd, find e-Books