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Korean Studies - Film

Academic Discussion Lists    

Korean Studies Internet Discussion List
  In 1994 Rob Provine established an e-mail Korean Studies discussion list under the name "korean-studies" for the purpose of keeping the often isolated members of the Korean Studies community in touch with each other and in fruitful communication. Later he was joined by other moderators and list co-owners. The list, which is hosted on this website, has now over 1,000 subscribers and is an avenue for publication and conference announcements, job postings, and of course academic discussions that cover the entire field of Koren Studies. An associated online book review journal, Korean Studies Review (1995-2008), has now been discontinued.

    List Archives are searchable from the main Web interface; since late 2011 the archives are also accessible in forum format.


    BAKS Discussion List (British Association for Korean Studies;
      list archives are public)


    H-ASIA Discussion List
      Probably the most popular general academic discussion list on Asia. "H-ASIA is an international electronic discussion group established in 1994. ... H-ASIA's discussion list is (...) open only to graduate students and professors interested in the subject of Asian Studies and specifically Asian history, the ASIA-PACIFIC NETWORK and its archived logs are open resources available to everyone. Discussions, announcements about subjects ranging from conferences and seminars to academic jobs." The list archives are searchable.


    Early Koreanist (Google Group)
      Archaeology and early history discussion group, associated with the Early Korea Project at Harvard

Non-Academic Forums

KoreaBridge Forums
  The KoreaBridge website hosts several forums that mostly relate to life in Korea (of non-Koreans), discussing practical things but also more general cultural issues, language learning and teaching, etc. The same site also hosts a lively blog and classifieds sections (buy/sell/jobs/housing).

EveryDay Korea Blog
  Similar to above KoreaBridge the EveryDay Blog is a place to discuss life in Korea, for foreigners working/studying and living there.


ExpatKorea Forums and @llo' Expat


Learn-Korean Forum (at learn-korean.net, but lots of spam)


Korean Job Discussion Forums (for ESL/EFL teachers in Korea)



  Various K-Pop forums on K-Pop stars, TV series (K-Drama),

  Korean movies, and K-Pop music.


soompi forums (K-Pop)


Architecture and Urban Development, KOREA Forum