[KS] Re: food culture

Ok Pyo Moon opmoon at aks.ac.kr
Mon Aug 31 22:35:52 EDT 1998

Dear Prof. Yuh,

If you read Korean, there is a special issue on food and Korean culture
published in Korean Cultural Anthropology Vol. 26 (1994) by Korean Society for
Cultural Anthropology in which we find four articles specifically dealing with
the topic.  There is also an article by Professor Kwang-ok Kim in a book to be
published to commemorate the retirement of Professor Yi Kwang-kyu.

Sincerely yours,
Okpyo Moon
Academy of Korean Studies
opmoon at aks.ac.kr

Yuh Ji-Yeon @[<:GT:

> hi fellow list members,
> hope you can help with a query. i am looking for articles about koreans and
> food. they can be historical, sociological, whatever. i am particularly
> interested in articles about korean food culture: attitudes toward food,
> etiquette regarding food and mealtimes (who gets to eat first, the order
> people are served in, why it's impolite to take the last piece of food on a
> plate, etc.), food and eating habits, the ways in which food and eating
> habits have changed in the past 100 years, especially since 1945. also, if
> anyone knows of any articles that discuss the food and eating habits of
> koreans overseas, those cites would also be greatly appreciated.
> if anyone has tried to look for similar articles and come up empty, knowing
> that would be helpful as well.
> thank you,
> ji-yeon


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