[KS] Re: Public awareness of homosexuality in South Korea

Stephen Epstein Stephen.Epstein at vuw.ac.nz
Fri Oct 6 16:36:22 EDT 2000

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>Would you please cite the anthologies and publishers of English
>translations of these stories, especially the works of Hwang Sun-won.

Translations: O ChOng-hUi, "Morning Star" (SaebyOk Ui pyOl), tr. Bruce &
Ju-chan Fulton in _Seeing the Invisible_ (special issue of _Manoa_),
University of Hawaii Press, pp. 103-131.

Kang SOk-kyOng, "Days and Dreams" (Nat kwa kkum), tr. Bruce & Ju-chan
Fulton in _Words of Farewell_, Seal Press, pp. 1-27

Hwang Sun-wOn, "Doctor Chang's Situation" (Takt'O chang Ui kyOngu), Tr.
Stephen Epstein, in _The Chicago Review Vol.39.3_, pp. 231-236

Hwang Sun-wOn, _The Moving Castle_, tr. Bruce & Ju-chan Fulton,

It's been over ten years since I've read the latter item, which I thank
Yoo-jung Kong for reminding me of.  I'm trying to remember exactly how
the book proceeds, but I'm recalling that it takes on a really strange
reality (and not simply gender-)bending quality with the sexually
ambiguous shaman.  I could well be wrong on that.

Btw, it's come to my attention that many users are unable to read the
circumflexed o's and u's that I send out, so I think I'll be using
capital letters instead in romanization from now on for KSR.  Ugly, but
I don't see much choice--unless I make the leap to the new gov't
transcription which hasn't exactly been something I've been planning
on.  Life is long, however, and many things are possible....


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