[KS] Japanese-Korean Relations Seminar in Tokyo

Lionel Babicz babicz at mfj.gr.jp
Sun Jun 10 13:30:35 EDT 2007

The next meeting of the "Maison franco-japonaise" (Nichifutsu kaikan)  
seminar on Japanese-Korean relations will be held as follows:

Friday, June 15, 18:00
Maison franco-japonaise, Tokyo
Room 601
Simon Kim, Korea University
"Impact de la littérature japonaise dans la création d'une  
littérature coréenne moderne"
("Japanese literature's role in the creation of a modern Korean  

The lecture will be held in French, with Japanese translation.

The "Maison franco-Japonaise" is located near the Ebisu station.
Access map in Japanese: http://www.mfj.gr.jp/jp/map-j.html
Access map in French: http://www.mfj.gr.jp/fr/map-f.html

Everybody is welcome to attend.


Maison franco-japonaise (Bureau français)
3-9-25, Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0013
Tél. 03-5421-7641 / Fax 03-5421-7651
Email: info at mfj.gr.jp
Web page: http://www.mfj.gr.jp/

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