[KS] Japanese-Korean Relations Seminar in Tokyo

Lionel Babicz babicz at mfj.gr.jp
Sat Jun 30 02:03:17 EDT 2007

The next meeting of the "Maison franco-japonaise" (Nichifutsu kaikan)  
seminar on Japanese-Korean relations will be held as follows:

Thursday, July 5, 18:00
Maison franco-japonaise, Tokyo
Room 601
Nissim Otmazgin, Kyoto University
"Japanese Popular Culture in South Korea since the Removal of the Ban"

The lecture will be held in English, with Japanese translation.

The "Maison franco-Japonaise" is located near the Ebisu station.
Access map in Japanese: http://www.mfj.gr.jp/jp/map-j.html
Access map in French: http://www.mfj.gr.jp/fr/map-f.html

Everybody is welcome to attend.


Maison franco-japonaise (Bureau français)
3-9-25, Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0013
Tél. 03-5421-7641 / Fax 03-5421-7651
Email: info at mfj.gr.jp
Web page: http://www.mfj.gr.jp/

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