[KS] Comedy in Translation: 主客顚倒 The high comedy of "Knowing Korean by English"..

Kye C Kim kc.kim2 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 18 02:07:19 EDT 2011


I think you will appreciate the high humor in the following
comedy in translation.

This high comedy was occasioned by the recent open hearing
at the National Assembly for a proposed bill to incorporate
Chinese-character education in the public school curriculum.

The "high comedy punchline" comes in a contributed article opposing
the proposed bill by Mr.  Beob-hoe Gu(구법회), a spokesman
for the Korean Language Society, better known as 한글학회.

The highness of the comedy comes from the rather remarkable
and risible inversion of "the translation" and "the translated."

While one is tempted to find  "low humor" in the Korean scholars'
"knowing Korean by English," the reality of the point of the  joke is
what makes this a sublime comedy.

Now, he is clearly preaching to the believers when we look at the
broad population of the youthful and the not so youthful Hangul
generation of Korea.  And it doesn't really matter to the ultimate
persuasiveness of his points that the article may be filled with
logical non-sequiturs and filled with bold, outright misstatement of
facts.  His audience is likely fully against what he is preaching
against, regardless of the niceties of the argument.

Well, hold onto your belly buttons, here is the line:

主客顚倒 The high comedy of "Knowing by English"..
High Comedy of Inverting the "translation" and the "translated"

[기고]다시 고개 드는 한자 사대주의 <http://news.nate.com/view/20110615n30782>  경향신문 '칼럼' *
|* 2011.06.15 21:59
"학문 발전을 위해 학문용어가 어려운 한자어이면 차라리
괄호 속에 영어를 써 넣는 것이 학자들에게 더 편리할 것이다."
学術用語が難しい漢字語の場合は むしろ学問の発展のために
For the advancement of scholarship, it would be far more convenient
to the scholars to have the difficult to understand academic Common-Chinese
terms glossed by parenthesized English (translation or explanation)..

-------------------"영어를 보고서야 뜻을 알았다!"----------------------------.

Best wishes,

Joobai Lee

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