[KS] 3rd Rising Stars junior faculty mentoring workshop at USC

David Kang kangdc at dornsife.usc.edu
Tue May 24 16:30:30 EDT 2011

Afriendly note that June 1 is the deadline for inquiries about the 3rd
"RisingStars" junior faculty mentoring workshop at USC on October 21-22,
2011. Weencourage anyone interested to apply or inquire more details.
USC’sKorean Studies Institute, with generous funding from the Korea
Foundation,invites inquiries and applications for the 3rd "Rising Stars"
juniorfaculty mentoring workshop on October 21-22, 2011.
Thisworkshop will bring together the next generation of Korean Studies
scholars ineither postdoctoral or assistant professor positions, along
with seniorscholars in the discipline. The intention is to link this new
generation witheach other, provide feedback on their work from senior
scholars, and in particularmentor these younger scholars through the
tenure process. Each younger scholarwill prepare a paper in advance that
best represents their major researchproject, while senior scholars serve
as a discussants. We particularly wish tofocus on younger scholars who
may be at schools not known for Korean Studies,or social scientists who
may not fit the traditional definition of a KoreanStudies scholar but
who use Korea as a case of a larger question in theirresearch.  
Theworkshop has a limited number of openings, and is available to
participantsfrom all fields in the social sciences and humanities and
from institutionsthroughout the US and Canada.  
Theworkshop will fully cover participants' travel, lodging and meals for
theduration of the workshop. Funding for the program is provided by both
the KoreaFoundation and USC’s Korean Studies Institute.
Eligibilityand Application
    * Scholars with a Ph.D. inhand who focus on Korean Studies
    * Special considerationwill be given to faculty from universities
that are not major Korean Studiesinstitutions, or those in the social
sciences whose research uses Korea as acase of a larger question or
Thoseinterested in attending the workshop should send a cover letter and
CV toElaine Kim, associate director of the USC Korean Studies
Institute(elaineek at dornsife.usc.edu).
Deadline:June 1, 2011.

Professor of International Relations and Business
3518 Trousdale Pkwy
VKC 330
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089

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