[KS] Conference announcement

Sonja Häußler Sonja.Haeussler at yahoo.de
Thu Aug 11 16:17:22 EDT 2016

Dear list members,

please note the forthcoming conference at Stockholm University. All are


The 10th conference of the Nordic Association of Japanese and Korean Studies
(NAJAKS) will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, on August 17-19, 2016. 

The Nordic Association of Japanese and Korean Studies (NAJAKS) has hold
conferences and workshops of scholars in the Humanities and Social sciences
since 1988. The conferences which normally are held every three year tend to
cover a wide range of subjects, wishing to reflect the variety and breadth
of Japanese and Korean studies in the Nordic countries.


The 10th conference of the NAJAKS includes about 70 presentations by
scholars from Europe as well as Korea, Japan and other countries in the
world. There also will be a roundtable to discuss possibilities for closer
collaboration within the NAJAKS. 


Please find the conference program in the attached file.


The conference venue is: Stockholm University, Department of Asian, Middle
Eastern and Turkish Studies, Kräftriket 4 A/B, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden.


For more information please visit the NAJAKS website: http://www.najaks.org

or the website of Stockholm University: http://www.orient.su.se


The Organizing Committee of NAJAKS 2016

Sonja Häussler, Gunnar Linder, Gabriel Jonsson, and Jaqueline Berndt 

(Stockholm University).



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