[KS] In Due Course

Yong-Ho Choe choeyh at hawaii.edu
Wed Feb 24 20:53:22 EST 2016

Dear colleagues:

The Cairo Declaration issued by Roosevelt, Chiang Kai-Shek, and Churhill in
1943 states: "The aforesaid three powers, mindful of the enslavement of the
people of Korea, are determineds that in due course Korea shall become free
and independent."

My questions are:1) What does it really mean by "in due course"?  2)What
would be the most appropriate Korean translation for the phrase?

Does it mean "at an appropriate time (적당한 시기),"  or "after proper
procedure(적절한  절차를 밟은 후에)"? Or others?

Thank you.


Yong-ho Choe (최영호)
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