[KS] [Revised Call for Papers] By Korea University - 6th Annual Korea University Graduate Student Conference: Overturning Assumptions and Creating New Approaches to Asian Studies

김진혁 jinhyouk at korea.ac.kr
Wed Dec 20 05:05:58 EST 2017

[Revised Call for Papers] By Korea University - 6th Annual Korea University Graduate Student Conference: Overturning Assumptions and Creating New Approaches to Asian Studies


6th Annual Korea University Graduate Student Conference:

Overturning Assumptions and Creating New Approaches to Asian Studies


Korea University, Seoul, South Korea


Friday, May 25th, 2018


The Korea University Graduate Student (KUGS) Conference invites graduate students from around the world and conducting research in Asian studies to submit abstracts for our 2018 conference. The KUGS Conference is an annual conference which aims to provide a forum for graduate students to exchange ideas and discuss current research on Asian studies. This conference on Korea University’s Anam campus in Seoul is an opportunity for young scholars to present their research to both their peers and eminent scholars. The conference will also enable participants to meet others in their field conducting similar research, and to gain experience in presenting their work for discussion.


The 2018 Annual Korea University Graduate Student Conference special theme is “Overturning Assumptions and Creating New Approaches to Asian Studies”and welcomes papers that focus on any historical time period. Scholars with bold and different approaches help to deepen our understanding of Asian studies and build on already constructed ideas through new interpretations. Our 2018 conference provides a space for young researchers studying Asian studies with innovative ideas to push our perspectives forward.


The 2017 conference was held in conjunction with the 2017 AAS-in-ASIA Conference, one day before the AAS conference began, and had sixty presenters with three sessions including East Asian History, Korean Literature, Language and Culture, Japanese and Chinese Studies. 


Eligibility and Application Guidelines:


1.  Applicants must be currently enrolled in a program of graduate study ("postgraduate" in British degree classification systems).


2.  Papers must be related to Asian studies, mainly Korean, Chinese, and Japanese studies.


3.  Abstracts must be no longer than 250 words.  


4.  Deadline for abstract submission: Sunday, January 28th, 2018, 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.


5.  Please include your name, program of graduate study, and contact information with your abstract submission.


Successful applicants will be notified of acceptance by mid-February.

Housing: Housing will be available for those presenting papers.

Inquiries: For general conference and abstract submission inquiries, please contact: 


koreahistoryconference at gmail.com



The revised call for papers includes an expanded scope to all of Asian studies, Korean, Chinese, Japanese studies, and an extended deadline of application, and a changed conference date. Apart from this notice, an email, notifying the changed information, will be sent to the applicants who already send the application.



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