[KS] Calling for Submissions to the Committee on Korean Studies (of AAS) Newsletter

Tanter, Dr. Marcy TANTER at tarleton.edu
Sun Nov 25 18:19:30 EST 2018

Where should we send submissions?

Professor Marcy L Tanter
Fulbright Scholar
Director, Study Abroad in South Korea
Chair, Speaker Symposium Committee
Department of English and Languages
Box T0300
Tarleton State University
Stephenville, TX 76402

From: Koreanstudies <koreanstudies-bounces at koreanstudies.com> on behalf of CedarBough T. Saeji <umyang at gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2018 11:40:06 AM
To: Korean Studies Discussion List
Subject: [KS] Calling for Submissions to the Committee on Korean Studies (of AAS) Newsletter

Dear All,

The Committee on Korean Studies of AAS used to have a newsletter and we're resurrecting it! I'm putting it all together, so I hope to receive your newsletter submissions by the 15th of December.

At the very least I hope you send information about your 2017 and 2018 publications. If you send them in bibliography format, that's great, and for books a blurb about the book or even cover photo would be nice. Links are useful, too. Let everyone know (or remind them) about your recent publications.

I am also happy to get any sort of creative submissions, reviews of recent conferences, updates on your new initiatives, calls for participation in future conferences or other events, and so on. Do you have a reaction to SanE's "Feminist"? Make it a short column! Do you have words of thanks for your Korean Studies mentor you want to make public? Send it in! Even your best photo related to Korea from the past year that you want to share with the rest of us (or a  whole photo essay!).

Don't forget to prompt your graduate students to send something in, too.

You do not need to be a current dues paying AAS member to submit, as long as you have participated in AAS before, or plan to in the future and identify as a scholar of Korea (broadly defined).

The newsletter will be automatically sent to all members of AAS who checked 'Korea' as their primary area, and I will also email this list serve with the link to the CKS website (where the newsletter will be located) once the newsletter is complete. For your reference, this is the link to the website -- http://www.koreanstudies.org/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.koreanstudies.org_&d=DwMFaQ&c=eQdEe9K32izieWD3NkQJir9gQaVsVoIVcl3Cm413M7A&r=HCEY4gQ6vhCOxPUzou55OZDoMJ7ck2cbwzpCCMam4PE&m=5d7HbIgD6jXX5hwsLQQWKTbL6WsNcP6daC3_dlYl7-I&s=T0zuqvALjv3fZ_mER684cGuHgORtzATCkKwq0cBKEOo&e=>

Have a joyous day,

CedarBough Saeji


CedarBough T. Saeji  ∞ Profile on Academia.edu<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__ubc.academia.edu_CedarBoughSaeji&d=DwMFaQ&c=eQdEe9K32izieWD3NkQJir9gQaVsVoIVcl3Cm413M7A&r=HCEY4gQ6vhCOxPUzou55OZDoMJ7ck2cbwzpCCMam4PE&m=5d7HbIgD6jXX5hwsLQQWKTbL6WsNcP6daC3_dlYl7-I&s=qLWdM8lAwbKNOkz1SGz9Ioj45b60lhBRUOq8msA2R2I&e=>

Korea Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, University of British Columbia Department of Asian Studies

"Preserving intangible culture as static performances in the hope of sustaining cultural diversity may do very little to foster the processes of change and regeneration that are needed to ensure cultural vitality and heterogeneity" (Pietrobruno 2009: 240).

Apt. 116  / 3655 Wesbrook Mall / Vancouver BC / V6S 0G6 / CANADA
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