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Korean Studies - Film



한국고전종합DB / DB of Korean Classics
  The Institute for the Translation of Korean Classics provides a searchable full-text database with hundreds of works.


장서각 디지털 아카이브 / Changsŏ-gak Royal Archives
  now at AKS; with many digitized versions of early Han'gŭl novels, minyo, dialect resources, and oral literature recordings


KTLIT: Korean Modern Literature in Translation (a useful blog with infos, links, and reviews; by Charles Montgomery, et al)


Links to some pieces of modern literature online
  short list of links from above blog 'KTLIT.com' (2011), but missing many older translations in Korea Journal and elesewhere


한국문학방송 (literature related videos and recordings)


Korean Literature Today (journal, 1996-2001)


Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature & Culture


_list: Books from Korea
  quarterly magazine by the Korea Literature Translation Institute that introduces Korean books to overseas publishers


대산문화재단 / Daesan Foundation
  grants and awards for writers and translators


Old Books about and Translations from Korea
  extensive link list to online versions of old Western books about Korea and its language, history, and culture as well as some old translations of Korean literature, such as Gale's Kuunmong translation; list by Brother Anthony of Taize


• Sin Ch'ae-ho: Die große Schlacht der Drachen (Yonggwa yongŭi tae'gyŏkchŏn)


• Ko Ŭn: Gedichte


속담토피아 (Korean Proverbs)