[KS] Revised Romanization [system ]of Korean and U.S. university presses

Eugene Y. Park epa at sas.upenn.edu
Thu Jan 23 23:05:13 EST 2014

Dear all,

By no means advocating a particular romanization system, I would like to 
know whether American university presses now publish books on Korea 
using the Revised Romanization system rather than the McCune-Reischauer 
system. About ten years ago, an American colleague of mine attempted in 
vain to submit a manuscript using RR, but I wonder if things have 
changed since then. I would like to have an idea as I'm getting started 
with a new book project.

I look forward to your input, and thank you in advance!


Eugene Y. Park
Korea Foundation Associate Professor of History
Director, James Joo-Jin Kim Program in Korean Studies
University of Pennsylvania

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